Cryptocurrency Exchange Monetary base has partnered with a UK-based merchant banking firm Plum Plum to generate SMB debt using the Coinbase Diamond protocol. The collaboration between...
Join FinextraTV at Money20/20 2024 as Vedran Jankovic, Sales Head Virtual Asset Service Providers, Deutsche Bank and Lukas Enzersdorfer, Deputy CEO & Chief Operating Officer, Bitpanda,...
It’s mid-2024 and the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry is at a critical juncture. This is the same critical moment, or at least a surprisingly similar one,...
Ethereum (ETH) has emerged as a beacon in the sea of blockchains, with a staggering 92% increase in decentralized application (dApp) volume over the past week....
Hops on the Blockchain: How Ethereum is Revolutionizing the Beer Industry Skip to content Scroll up Fuente
Israeli Blockchain Data Management Startup SendBlocks raised $8.2 million in seed funding. The company, just emerged from the shadows, announced funding in a press release Wednesday...
Government owned KfW the bank issued digital bonds first, including a 4 billion euros a value dated yesterday. However, these used a central securities depository (CSD)....
Last year Sony made a discreet acquisition of Amber Japan (formerly DeCurret), a local cryptocurrency exchange. Multiple outlets have reported that Sony is planning to launch...