
Core Blockchain Announces New Partnership with Animoca Brands




  • Animoca Brands has launched a validator on the Core blockchain.
  • Core is a Bitcoin-based layer-one blockchain for EVM-compatible smart contracts.
  • Animoca Brands aims to integrate some of its Web3 portfolio dApps with Core.
  • Core has over 4,400 BTC invested, worth over $180 million.
  • The partnership aims to accelerate the progress of Core and drive adoption of BTCfi.

Nucleusa layer one blockchain powered by Bitcoin, announced today that Animoca Brands has launched a validator on its network.

This move marks the next step in Core’s mission to unlock over $1.3 trillion of liquidity trapped in Bitcoin and advance the Bitcoin financial ecosystem (BTCfi).

Core, which specializes in EVM-compatible smart contracts, has been gaining traction in the cryptocurrency industry since the launch of its mainnet in January 2023.

The blockchain boasts impressive statistics, including over 19 million unique addresses and 260 million transactions. Core’s unique selling point is its integration with Bitcoin, with approximately 50% of Bitcoin’s mining hash power contributing to the network’s security.

Animoca Brands, a well-known player in the Web3 space, brings valuable experience to the Core Network. As a validator, Animoca Brands will play a crucial role in verifying transactions, maintaining ledger accuracy, and contributing to the overall security of the Core Network.

This stake also gives Animoca Brands a stake in the governance and stability of the Core blockchain.

The collaboration goes beyond validator duties. Animoca Brands has expressed interest in integrating some of its Web3 portfolio applications with Core.

This initiative could lead to greater innovation and collaboration within the BTCfi space, potentially bringing new use cases and users to the Core network.

Core’s architecture, supported by its Satoshi Plus consensus mechanism, appears to align well with Animoca Brands’ focus on developing Bitcoin and fostering opportunities for ecosystem builders and decentralized applications (dApps).

Blockchain’s emphasis on scalability and security makes it an attractive option for projects looking to leverage decentralized finance on the Bitcoin network.

One of the most notable features of Core is its non-custodial BTC staking protocol. Currently, over 4,400 BTC are staked on the network, which translates to a value of over $180 million.

This significant amount of Bitcoin invested underscores the growing interest in Core’s offering and the potential of BTCfi.

Brendon Sedo, an early contributor to Core, had this to say about the collaboration:

“We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Animoca Brands, one of the most recognized companies in the Web3 space. By running a validator on the Core network, Animoca Brands is playing a crucial role in securing the Core chain and enabling BTCFi. This partnership marks the beginning of what we anticipate will be many collaborations to come. We are excited about the future and remain committed to making Core the most Bitcoin-aligned blockchain, with Animoca Brands as a key partner on this journey.”

Animoca Brands, known for investing in over 450 Web3 projects and developing popular blockchain games, brings with them significant experience in the space. Their involvement could potentially attract more developers and users to the Core ecosystem.


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