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Come Kamala Harris potrebbe dare il via a una nuova era nella regolamentazione delle criptovalute

Chain Feed Staff



Come Kamala Harris potrebbe dare il via a una nuova era nella regolamentazione delle criptovalute

Che differenza fa una settimana. Giovedì 18 luglio, Donald Trump ha formalmente accettato la nomination del GOP come candidato per le elezioni presidenziali del 2024 alla Convention nazionale repubblicana, solo pochi giorni dopo essere sopravvissuto a un tentativo di assassinio. Domenica 21 luglio, alle 13:46 ET, quando il presidente Biden ha annunciato la sua decisione di non cercare la rielezione, tutto è cambiato. Il panorama politico è diventato volatile come un grafico del prezzo del bitcoin.

Con l’approvazione di Biden, la vicepresidente Kamala Harris è rapidamente diventata la candidata presuntiva per i democratici, raccogliendo donazioni di piccole dimensioni a un ritmo che ricorda la campagna presidenziale insurrezionale di Barack Obama del 2008. Tuttavia, l’entusiasmo si ferma alla porta di un’industria delle criptovalute ben finanziata che ha assunto una posizione offensiva per proteggersi da un ambiente normativo ostile e l’ha spinta a coalizzarsi attorno a un blocco di voto monotematico pronto a esprimere i propri voti per il candidato del GOP.

Quasi subito dopo la diffusione della notizia di Biden, ho iniziato a vedere post sui social media della comunità crypto su quale sarebbe stata la posizione di un’amministrazione Harris sulle crypto. Avrebbe continuato con una posizione politica ostile e di regolamentazione tramite applicazione delle leggi, o avrebbe colto l’opportunità di reimmaginare la politica sulle crypto con l’obiettivo di abbracciare la nuova economia? O avrebbe intrapreso una nuova direzione?

Poi, ho visto una raffica di riflessioni sui social media secondo cui il vicepresidente Harris starebbe pensando di partecipare alla Bitcoin 2024 Conference, che si terrà dal 25 al 27 luglio a Nashville, Tennessee. Si prevede che anche Trump, Michael Saylor ed Elon Musk parteciperanno, rendendolo un evento significativo con posta in gioco elevata.

Giovedì 24 luglio, l’organizzatore della conferenza e CEO di Bitcoin Magazine David Bailey condiviso su X che la VP Harris ha rifiutato di partecipare. Sembrava altamente improbabile che potesse partecipare dato che la programmazione di un funzionario federale senior richiede più di 48 ore. Il processo prevede coordinamento, revisione e verifica da parte di più uffici e le approvazioni richieste.

Tuttavia, anche la considerazione è una vittoria. Con la voce dell’industria delle criptovalute nel radar della campagna di Harris, Harris ha ora l’opportunità di rivolgersi a un gruppo di bitcoiner profondamente preoccupati e coinvolti e di iniziare il lavoro riparativo di costruzione di ponti per contrastare l’aggressione anti-cripto e le iniziative di regolamentazione tramite applicazione implementate dall’attuale amministrazione.

La politica anti-criptovaluta dell’amministrazione Biden

Sotto Biden, la regolamentazione delle criptovalute è stata caratterizzata da un approccio confuso e sconcertante, basato su un’applicazione rigorosa delle norme, ampiamente influenzato dalla senatrice Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). Nota per il suo scetticismo nei confronti del settore delle criptovalute, Warren ha sostenuto misure normative rigorose per proteggere i consumatori e mantenere la stabilità finanziaria. La sua influenza è evidente nell’amministrazione “Punto di strozzatura 2.0” strategia e nella posizione del suo alleato, il presidente della SEC, Gary Gensler, nonché degli enti di regolamentazione prudenziale che hanno limitato l’accesso del settore delle criptovalute ai servizi bancari tradizionali, di fatto “de-banking” il settore.

La storia continua

Alimentato da disinformazione e da un fondo di verità, l’approccio di Warren si è concentrato sull’affrontare i rischi associati alle criptovalute, tra cui frode, riciclaggio di denaro e finanziamento del terrorismo, senza dimensionare correttamente le discussioni per bilanciare i rischi con le notevoli opportunità di giustizia economica e distinguere i fatti dalla finzione.

Un moderato tecnologico

L’approccio precedente del vicepresidente Harris alla regolamentazione della tecnologia è caratterizzato da un tono più moderato rispetto all’approccio dell’amministrazione attuale. Nel corso della sua carriera, ha forgiato forti relazioni con importanti aziende tecnologiche come Facebook e Google. È stata una presenza notevole presso le loro sedi centrali e ha arruolato dipendenti e alleati di queste aziende per consigliare la sua campagna sulla politica tecnologica. Il suo approccio enfatizza la ricerca di un equilibrio tra regolamentazione e autorizzazione del progresso tecnologico. Un cambiamento di politica strategica per incorporare la passata apertura all’innovazione, unito all’attenzione della sua campagna sull’emancipazione economica della classe media, potrebbe creare un’opportunità per un approccio sia/sia che ottimizzi le protezioni degli investitori e dei consumatori con il supporto di un solido sviluppo dell’economia Web3 sui binari della blockchain e alimentato da asset digitali crittograficamente protetti.

Ma quali segnali indicano che sarebbe aperta a un cambiamento nella politica sulle criptovalute? Per prima cosa, il miliardario Mark Cuban ha osservato su X questa settimana che il team di Harris ha posto numerose domande relative alle criptovalute. Ciò, sommato al suo record pro-innovazione e alle discussioni divertenti sulla partecipazione a Bitcoin 2024, fa ben sperare per un approccio diverso in un’amministrazione Harris.

Dieci cambiamenti politici per una nuova era

Come candidata democratica alla presidenza, Harris ha l’opportunità unica di tracciare un nuovo corso per la politica sulle criptovalute, che chiamo “New Economy 2025”, che bilancia una regolamentazione ragionevole e trasparente con una solida innovazione per investitori, consumatori e aziende. Questo approccio garantirebbe che gli Stati Uniti rimangano leader nell’economia degli asset digitali, promuovendo al contempo l’inclusione finanziaria e proteggendo gli interessi dei consumatori.

A tal fine, ecco dieci cambiamenti politici che potrebbero ridefinire la posizione del Partito Democratico sulle risorse digitali e promuovere un ecosistema finanziario più inclusivo sotto la presidenza di Harris:

Modificare le leggi sui titoli per chiarezza e innovazione

Cosa: rivedere le leggi sui titoli esistenti per chiarire la distinzione tra un titolo e una merce nel contesto delle criptovalute. Ho sostenuto con forza questo nella mia testimonianza dinanzi alla sottocommissione per i servizi finanziari della Camera sulle attività digitali, la tecnologia finanziaria e l’inclusione.

Come: garantire che vengano designate agenzie specifiche e competenti per regolamentare il settore delle criptovalute, evitando interpretazioni eccessivamente ampie o contrastanti che potrebbero ostacolare la crescita del mercato e soffocare l’innovazione.

Aggiornare le normative bancarie per l’integrazione delle criptovalute

Cosa: modificare il Bank Secrecy Act e altre normative bancarie per creare linee guida chiare per le banche che hanno a che fare con attività legate alle criptovalute.

Come: promuovere un ambiente bancario crypto-friendly, consentendo alle istituzioni finanziarie di interagire con il settore crypto con sicurezza, riducendo i rischi percepiti e reali e favorendo una maggiore integrazione e accessibilità. Inoltre, considerare i cambiamenti legislativi e normativi necessari per aggiungere riserve di bitcoin come parte del portafoglio di riserve della Banca centrale.

Riformare le politiche fiscali per sostenere l’economia digitale

Cosa: riformare le politiche fiscali per affrontare gli aspetti peculiari delle attività digitali, fornendo linee guida chiare sulla tassazione delle transazioni e delle partecipazioni in criptovalute.

Come: creare un quadro che consenta a privati ​​e aziende di ottemperare agli obblighi fiscali partecipando nel contempo all’economia digitale in modo sicuro e legale, garantendo un’equa partecipazione a tutti i livelli di reddito economico.

Migliorare le leggi sulla tutela dei consumatori

Cosa: rafforzare le leggi a tutela dei consumatori specifiche per il mercato delle criptovalute, garantendo informative trasparenti e protezioni contro le frodi.

Come: attuare misure per fornire alle vittime un ricorso chiaro, rafforzando la fiducia dei consumatori e garantendo un mercato delle criptovalute più sicuro, in particolare proteggendo le popolazioni vulnerabili.

Sviluppare solide leggi sulla privacy per la protezione dei dati individuali

Cosa: formulare leggi sulla privacy rigorose per salvaguardare i dati individuali nei sistemi blockchain e di identità digitale.

Come: promuovere identità digitali rispettose della privacy e garantire che le transazioni crittografiche rispettino i diritti alla privacy individuali, proteggendo le comunità emarginate dallo sfruttamento.

Integrare l’istruzione su criptovaluta e blockchain

Cosa: integrare l’educazione alla criptovaluta e alla blockchain negli standard educativi nazionali, compresi i programmi di educazione finanziaria.

Come: fornire agli individui le conoscenze necessarie per muoversi con sicurezza e responsabilità nell’economia digitale attraverso programmi scolastici e di istruzione per adulti, garantendo opportunità per tutte le fasce demografiche.

Assegnare fondi federali per la ricerca e sviluppo sulla blockchain

Cosa: stanziare fondi per sostenere la ricerca e lo sviluppo della tecnologia blockchain.

Come: incoraggiare l’innovazione, creare posti di lavoro e mantenere il vantaggio competitivo degli Stati Uniti nell’economia digitale globale investendo in ricerca e sviluppo, in particolare a vantaggio delle comunità meno servite attraverso la creazione di posti di lavoro e l’inclusione economica.

Promuovere le piattaforme DeFi per l’inclusione finanziaria

Cosa: incoraggiare lo sviluppo e l’adozione di piattaforme di finanza decentralizzata (DeFi) per offrire servizi finanziari senza intermediari tradizionali.

Come: aumentare l’accesso ai servizi finanziari per le comunità meno servite, promuovendo l’inclusione finanziaria e colmando il divario di ricchezza.

Formare partenariati pubblico-privati ​​per il bene pubblico

Cosa: creare partnership tra agenzie governative e aziende private di blockchain per progetti infrastrutturali pubblici.

Come: sviluppare sistemi di identità digitale e catene di fornitura trasparenti sfruttando la tecnologia blockchain, migliorando i servizi pubblici e le opportunità economiche per tutti. Inoltre, prendere in considerazione sandbox normativi per promuovere e supportare ulteriormente l’innovazione in collaborazione con gli stakeholder governativi per imparare in modo che possano guidare in modo efficace.

Armonizzare le normative internazionali sulle criptovalute

Cosa: posizionare gli Stati Uniti come leader mondiale nella regolamentazione delle criptovalute collaborando con organismi internazionali.

Come: sviluppare normative armonizzate per garantire che gli Stati Uniti svolgano un ruolo centrale nel plasmare il futuro dell’economia digitale globale, promuovendo la stabilità e incoraggiando l’innovazione transfrontaliera.

Implementando queste iniziative, l’amministrazione Harris può creare un contesto normativo che non solo protegga gli investitori e favorisca l’innovazione, ma promuova anche la giustizia economica e le opportunità per tutti, garantendo che gli Stati Uniti rimangano all’avanguardia nell’economia delle risorse digitali.

La visione “New Economy 2025” sottolineerebbe il potenziale trasformativo della blockchain e della criptovaluta, sfruttando la tecnologia per creare un sistema finanziario più equo e inclusivo che porti maggiori opportunità di investimento, creazione di posti di lavoro e crescita economica, protezione di consumatori, investitori e industria da frodi e truffe, semplificazione fiscale, inclusione finanziaria e giustizia economica, nonché stabilità e fiducia nel settore.

La criptovaluta è politica, non di parte. Almeno non dovrebbe esserlo. La storia di Harris nel sostenere il progresso tecnologico e proteggere i diritti alla privacy la posiziona in modo unico per sfruttare il potenziale trasformativo della blockchain e della criptovaluta.

Mentre andiamo avanti, sostenere la chiarezza normativa, la tutela dei consumatori, l’alfabetizzazione finanziaria e la collaborazione globale è essenziale per consolidare gli Stati Uniti come leader nell’economia delle risorse digitali. Adottando questo approccio ripensato, possiamo davvero democratizzare l’accesso alle opportunità finanziarie, dare potere alle comunità emarginate e sostenere i valori di libertà e privacy, aprendo la strada a una New Economy 2025 prospera e inclusiva.

Nota: le opinioni espresse in questa rubrica sono quelle dell’autore e non riflettono necessariamente quelle di CoinDesk, Inc. o dei suoi proprietari e affiliati.


We are the editorial team of Chain Feed Staff, where seriousness meets clarity in cryptocurrency analysis. With a robust team of finance and blockchain technology experts, we are dedicated to meticulously exploring complex crypto markets with detailed assessments and an unbiased approach. Our mission is to democratize access to knowledge of emerging financial technologies, ensuring they are understandable and accessible to all. In every article on Chain Feed Staff, we strive to provide content that not only educates, but also empowers our readers, facilitating their integration into the financial digital age.

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Cryptocurrency Regulation in Slovenia 2024

Chain Feed Staff



Cryptocurrency Regulation in Slovenia 2024

Slovenia, a small but highly developed European country with a population of 2.1 million, boasts a rich industrial history that has contributed significantly to its robust economy. As the most economically developed Slavic nation, Slovenia has grown steadily since adopting the euro in 2007. Its openness to innovation has been a key factor in its success in the industrial sector, making it a favorite destination for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Many believe that Slovenia is poised to become a powerful fintech hub in Europe. But does its current cryptocurrency regulatory framework support such aspirations?

Let’s explore Slovenia’s cryptocurrency regulations and see if they can push the country to the forefront of the cryptocurrency scene. My expectations are positive. What are yours? Before we answer, let’s dig deeper.

1. Cryptocurrency Regulation in Slovenia: An Overview

Slovenia is known for its pro-innovation stance, providing a supportive environment for emerging technologies such as blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Under the Payment Services and Systems Act, cryptocurrencies are classified as virtual assets rather than financial or monetary instruments.

Regulation of the cryptocurrency sector in Slovenia is decentralized. Different authorities manage different aspects of the ecosystem. For example, the Bank of Slovenia and the Securities Market Agency supervise cryptocurrency transactions to ensure compliance with financial laws, including anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing regulations. The Slovenian Act on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (ZPPDFT-2) incorporates the EU’s Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (5MLD) and aligns with the latest FATF recommendations. All virtual currency service providers must register with the Office of the Republic of Slovenia.

2. Cryptocurrency regulation in Slovenia: what’s new?

This year, there have been several noteworthy developments in the cryptocurrency sector in Slovenia:

July 25, 2024: Slovenia has issued a €30 million on-chain sovereign digital bond, the first of its kind in the EU, with a yield of 3.65%, maturing on 25 November 2024.

May 14, 2024: NiceHash has announced the first Slovenian Bitcoin-focused conference, NiceHashX, scheduled for November 8-9 in Maribor.

3. Explanation of the legal framework for cryptocurrency taxation in Slovenia

Slovenia’s cryptocurrency tax framework provides clear guidelines for both individuals and businesses. According to the Slovenian Tax Administration, tax treatment depends on the status of the trader and the nature of the transaction.

  • Individuals: Income earned from cryptocurrencies through employment or ongoing business activities is subject to personal income tax. However, capital gains from trading or market fluctuations are exempt from taxation.
  • Society: Capital gains from cryptocurrency activities are subject to a corporate income tax of 19%. Value added tax (VAT) generally applies at a rate of 22%, although cryptocurrency transactions considered as means of payment are exempt from VAT. Companies are not allowed to limit payment methods to cryptocurrencies only. Tokens issued during ICOs must comply with standard accounting rules and the Corporate Tax Act.

4. Cryptocurrency Mining in Slovenia: What You Should Know

Cryptocurrency mining is not restricted in Slovenia, but the income from mining is considered business income and is therefore taxable. This includes rewards from validating transactions and any additional income from mining operations. Both natural persons and legal entities must comply with Slovenian tax regulations.

5. Timeline of the evolution of cryptocurrency regulations in Slovenia

Here is a timeline highlighting the evolution of cryptocurrency regulations in Slovenia:

  • 2013:The Slovenian Tax Administration has issued guidelines according to which income from cryptocurrency transactions should be taxed.
  • 2017:The Slovenian Tax Administration has provided more detailed guidelines on cryptocurrency taxation, based on factors such as the trader’s status and the type of transaction.
  • 2023The EU has adopted the Markets in Cryptocurrencies Regulation (MiCA), which establishes a uniform regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies, their issuers and service providers across the EU.

Final note

Slovenia’s approach to the cryptocurrency industry is commendable, reflecting its optimistic view of the future of cryptocurrency. The country’s balanced regulatory framework supports cryptocurrency innovation while protecting user rights and preventing illegal activities. Recent developments demonstrate Slovenia’s commitment to continuously improving its regulatory environment. Slovenia’s cryptocurrency regulatory framework sets a positive example for other nations navigating the evolving cryptocurrency landscape.

Read also: Cryptocurrency Regulation in Hong Kong 2024


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A Blank Slate for Cryptocurrencies: Kamala Harris’ Regulatory Opportunity

Chain Feed Staff



A Blank Slate for Cryptocurrencies: Kamala Harris' Regulatory Opportunity

Photo by The Dhage of Shubham ON Disinfect

As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, the need for clear regulation has never been greater.

Vice President Kamala Harris is now leading the charge on digital asset regulation in the United States, presenting a unique opportunity for a clean slate. This fresh start can foster innovation and protect consumers. It can also pave the way for widespread adoption across industries, including real estate agencies, healthcare providers, and online gambling platforms like these online casinos in the uk. According to experts at SafestCasinoSites, these platforms have advantages such as bonus offers, a wide selection of games, and various payment methods. Ultimately, all this increased adoption could push the cryptocurrency market forward.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at the current state of cryptocurrency regulation in the United States, which is a complex and confusing landscape. Multiple agencies, including the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), have overlapping jurisdictions, creating a fragmented regulatory environment. This lack of clarity has hindered innovation, as companies are reluctant to invest in the United States, fearing regulatory repercussions. A cohesive and clear regulatory framework is urgently needed to unlock the full potential of cryptocurrencies in the United States.

While the US struggles to find its footing, other countries, such as Singapore and the UK, are actively embracing the cryptocurrency industry with clear and supportive regulatory frameworks. This has led to a brain drain, with companies opting to set up in more hospitable environments.

Vice President Kamala Harris has a unique opportunity to change this narrative and clean up the future. cryptocurrency regulation. By taking a comprehensive and inclusive approach, it can help create a framework that balances consumer protection with innovation and growth. The time has come for clear and effective regulation of cryptocurrencies in the United States.

Effective regulation of digital assets is essential to fostering a safe and innovative environment. Key principles guiding this regulation include clarity, innovation, global cooperation, consumer protection, and flexibility. Clear definitions and guidelines eliminate ambiguity, while encouraging experimentation and development to ensure progress. Collaboration with international partners establishes consistent standards, preventing regulatory arbitrage. Strong safeguards protect consumers from fraud and market abuse, and adaptability allows for evolution in response to emerging trends and technologies, striking a balance between innovation and protection.

The benefits of effective cryptocurrency regulation are many and far-reaching. By establishing clear guidelines, governments can attract investors and traditional users, spurring growth and adoption. This, in turn, can position countries like the United States as global leaders in financial technology and innovation. Strong protections will also increase consumer confidence in digital assets and related products, boosting economic activity.

A thriving cryptocurrency industry can significantly contribute to GDP and job creation, which has a positive impact on the overall economy. Furthermore, effective regulation has paved the way for the growth of many companies such as tech startups, online casinos, and pharmaceutical companies, proving that clear guidelines can unlock new opportunities without stifling innovation. This is a great example of how regulation can alleviate fears of regressive policies, even if Kamala Harris does not repeal the current progressive approach. By adopting effective regulation, governments can create fertile ground for the cryptocurrency industry to thrive, driving progress and prosperity.


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Think You Own Your Crypto? New UK Law Would Ensure It – DL News

Chain Feed Staff



Think You Own Your Crypto? New UK Law Would Ensure It – DL News
  • The UK Law Commission has developed a bill that will address a situation of legal uncertainty.
  • The commission’s goal is to ensure that cryptocurrencies are legally treated as personal property.

UK law is not entirely clear whether cryptocurrencies can be considered personal property.

This is according to the UK Law Commission, which argues that while most investors assume that when they buy cryptocurrencies, they are “acquiring property rights in the same way as buying, say, a watch or a laptop.”

“As the law currently stands, this is not necessarily the case,” the respected legal body said in a new report on Tuesday.

The report was accompanied by a solution: a new bill to consolidate the legal status of digital assets as personal property.

This could be huge for the estimated 4.7 million Britons valued hold cryptocurrencies.

“This will allow the courts to determine a range of issues,” the report says.

If passed, the law would help clarify how cryptocurrencies are treated in cases of bankruptcy, estate planning or theft.

Flexible law

The commission is an independent body responsible for reviewing UK law. It began investigating whether English and Welsh property laws apply to digital assets in 2020.

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At the time, then-Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak expressed ambitions to transform the UK into a cryptocurrency hub as Britons invested more.

In 2023, the commission decided that, in most cases, the legislation of England and Wales is sufficiently flexible to regulate cryptocurrencies.

This means that any asset, from Bitcoin to non-fungible tokens and some types of digital contracts, can be considered personal property, without Parliament having to write extensive new laws.

There was one small area of ​​uncertainty, however: it was unclear whether cryptocurrencies fell within the two categories of personal property recognised under UK law.

These two categories are made up of tangible assets (cars, laptops, bags) and intangible assets (contracts, stocks, and debt).

The bill that will now go to Parliament to be converted into law aims to remedy this situation.

Without that clarification, courts may try to lump cryptocurrencies together with intangible assets, said Adam Sanitt, head of litigation, knowledge, innovation and corporate support EMEA at law firm Norton Rose Fulbright. DL News in March.

This is problematic because intangible assets are creations of the legal system, while cryptocurrencies are not.

“How the law treats digital assets, what rights you have over them, how you own them, how you transfer them to other people—that treatment is different, because digital assets don’t exist by virtue of the legal system, but independently of it,” Sanitt said.

The money in your bank account, for example, is a legal creation. The government could pass a law to cancel it.

However, if the UK passed a law banning Bitcoin, Bitcoin would not cease to exist.

Sanitt said: “That’s why digital assets are so important: neither the government nor the legal system can take them away from you.”

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The Solution the Cryptocurrency Industry Needs

Chain Feed Staff



The Solution the Cryptocurrency Industry Needs

The cryptocurrency industry has performed remarkably well since its inception, but now faces a critical hurdle that requires careful consideration and regulatory expertise to overcome. Despite the industry’s rapid growth and rate of global adoption, the gap between the industry and global regulation is only widening as new innovations break through into the public domain.

Although efforts are being made on both sides, regulators’ lack of familiarity with cryptocurrencies and the industry’s lack of regulatory expertise are hindering innovation in the sector. To address this issue, traditional financial institutions (TradFi) such as MultiBank Group have started venturing into the cryptocurrency sector.

The regulatory gap

Over the past decade, the cryptocurrency industry has grown dramatically as tech entrepreneurs and forward-thinking thinkers have founded a plethora of crypto platforms and protocols to push the boundaries of the space. The problem faced by these newcomers, who are often unfamiliar with the hurdles posed by financial regulators, can quickly overwhelm and stall operations.

On the other hand, regulators more attuned to TradFi systems may be equally stifled by the complexities of decentralization and blockchain technology. The unfamiliarity experienced by both innovators and regulators creates a stark regulatory divide between both sides, leading to misunderstandings and potential conflicts.

To overcome this lack of communication, a bridge must be built to bridge the gap, ensuring future stability for the cryptocurrency industry and clearer legislation from regulators.

Efforts to bridge the gap between industry

The gap between the cryptocurrency industry and regulators is slowly narrowing as efforts to regulate cryptocurrencies and Web3 space activities are gaining momentum. Specific regulatory actions are taking place in many countries, aimed at providing greater oversight of cryptocurrency transactions, cryptocurrency exchanges, and initial coin offerings (ICOs).

Despite being a positive step in the right direction, these new regulations can differ significantly between jurisdictions around the world. This fragmentation results in a regulatory environment filled with obstacles, bottlenecks, and varying requirements and prohibitions. As cryptocurrency companies and TradFi institutions attempt to navigate the minefield, the regulatory maze becomes increasingly convoluted.

TradFi institutions like MultiBank Group are working to solve this problem, as one of the largest financial derivatives institutions in the world with over 12 licenses across all continents. Founded in 2005, the Group has an impeccable and trustworthy reputation globally, extensive expertise in financial regulation and has now ventured into the cryptocurrency space via TradFi Excellence in the Crypto Space

Expanding into the cryptocurrency space via has enabled MultiBank Group to provide regulatory clarity and trust to the digital asset industry. With a substantial daily trading volume of $12.1 billion, the timely decision to enter the cryptocurrency space has the potential to set regulatory precedents and standards for years to come.

By helping to develop sensible and well-considered regulations,’s established reputation allows the company to communicate effectively and clearly with regulators. Unlike others in the industry without regulatory expertise, facilitates the Group’s commitment to rigorous regulatory standards, the scope of oversight and establishes the necessary transparency.

The company’s approach ensures that regulatory licenses are pre-acquired, compliance is met globally without jurisdictional barriers, and transactions remain secure at all times. By helping to create robust regulations that are both clear and innovation-friendly, MultiBank Group looks forward to standardizing the entire cryptocurrency industry for other potential innovators.

One of the biggest challenges in establishing a clearly constructed bridge between regulators and the cryptocurrency industry is effective communication. By leveraging its institutional background TradFi and acting as an intermediary with regulators, MultiBank Group is able to translate the needs of the industry to those who shape it.

This quality of mediation is essential to ensure that regulation helps develop essential technological advances rather than hinders their establishment and growth. Through the lens of TradFi when looking at the complexity of the cryptocurrency industry, MultiBank Group is able to deconstruct unfamiliar crypto arguments for regulation and create a safer and more secure space.

Where TradFi and Crypto Meet

Regulations are crucial for traders, investors, and everyday users of crypto platforms and their safety when participating in crypto markets. While strict regulations are necessary for stable market integrity, innovation should still be considered, something MultiBank Group considers a priority.

Where TradFi and cryptocurrencies converge, the Group is there to provide a balanced approach to ensure promotion for both the cryptocurrency industry and regulators seeking to protect both retail and institutional investors. This balance is critical to maintaining a thriving space where cryptocurrency innovation can thrive without compromising the security of user funds or data.

As more TradFi institutions like MultiBank Group enter the cryptocurrency space with ever-expanding expertise in regulatory understanding, the future of the industry is increasingly encouraged. The financial freedoms of the cryptocurrency space coupled with regulatory oversight for financial security will be the guiding lights for the future success of the entire cryptocurrency industry.

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